Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Snakehead Fish

The Snakehead Fish

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Snakehead fish is a fish native to China. Snakeheads first ecosystem Maryland, when a local man ordered a pair of snakeheads in Chinatown in New York. In Asia, the fish is to have healing powers when eaten. The man's sister was ill, he thought it would be a good idea to get some fish for Snakehead sister. He recovered in time he returned to Maryland after his sister. So he kept the fish in an aquarium for a while '. But then, against his better knowledge, haspublished in a local pond. This is probably the first case of snake-head fish will be introduced in the American fisheries.

So what's the problem? Good for beginners, this fish is a predator of high level, which means it has no natural enemies. It reproduces at a rapid pace. They have a voracious appetite, feeding primarily on other fish. So, again, of course, to decimate native fish in the waters. You can be up to four meters long, depends on a lot of them what types ofSnakehead is. There are almost thirty different kinds of snakeheads. They have canine teeth and actually have a language that resembles a human being. If this is not enough to give you goose bumps, you can breathe oxygen plant oxygen and water pollution. Yes - can survive on land, but they need moisture, so that they survive only on earth, if they find moisture. This fish is not even known to migrate to other waters. Okay - how do you do this, you ask? She crawls on her chestFins.

The problem is that people want to keep them as pets. Now - these fish are known or to jump from aquariums or ram side and knocking it around. Have also been known to break aquarium glass, slamming his head. So when people learn what can be a handful of these animals, which will publish in the local lake or river. Scientists have noted that fishermen should kill these fish when they pass through a hook. You could hit a bat or a stone of good size on ithead. This is a medium-sized fish!

All attempts to remove the fish, have failed. It seems that the snakehead is here to stay. But the positive side, they do taste good. It does not have to worry about a limit. Pound for pound, these fish will give you a good fight. It 'just a shame that this fish eats a variety of foods. This is why it is a threat to native species. They will also feed on bass or whatever you enter in your mouth.

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