Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tips to Increasing the Life Expectancy of Your Beta Fish

Tips to Increasing the Life Expectancy of Your Beta Fish

Jump Starter

From my own experience and research I found the easiest and 3 basic tips to keep your beta fish not only alive but healthy and happy, whenever you can. I believe that not only help you learn to be a better owner, but also help your beta, life expectancy. Finally, the information that comes out of these will help the life expectancy of your fish. All three play an important part in increasing life expectancy.

Trust me, the first time that your Betta will be making the web their own research as you are now in all aspects of fish life beta.

1. The beta fish should not live with another and always remain by themselves. If there is not enough space for your fish to swim around then your beta fish could become claustrophobic. Male Betta fish are likely to fight if in the same tank as another male.

2. A great way to increase the life expectancy of a fish is by having the right water temperature. It should be about 73 degrees to maintain normal levels of blood and help them live a healthy life, I advise you to filter and get a thermometer and check frequently. This is important because Betta lived in ponds and streams, it would be difficult for them to change the temperature to maintain their right.

3. Beta fish come from countries like Thailand and Vietnam.Another thing to be sure of sunlight to limit their serum are not hot and reach their life expectancy below doesn't.

When I had my beta always made sure to keep the lid on the tank so you could jump. I would want to clean my tank at least three to four times a month. That way the water was always fresh.

Most Beta fish have a life expectancy of up to 2-3 years. There are plenty of resources online about Betta fish. Try to Google it.

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